This article will guide you on the list of heroes with exclusive equipment for the game Epic Seven. [Acquired in Hall of Trials] One of the best artifacts to use on Crozet in Wyvern 13. Mediator Kawerik is a standardturn 2 counter against AOL, since she can't silence him. Your email address will not be published. Apocalypse Ravi and Fallen Cecilia are stable picks againstaggressive team comps enabled byRan, helping their teammates survive or reviving them. When he isn't using S3 to defense debuff, he can use S1 and trigger an additional attack, which can trigger Junkyard Dog or DayDream Joker twice for significant DPS or DoT debugging. If you don't want to speed race against an aggressive Peira team, Archdemon's Shadow and Rem can deal AOE damage and strip their buffs with counterattacks. Fallen Cecilia is another great defensiveanswer to Rimuru's nuke by providing the team with big barriers and damage mitigation. 10. While he is able to protect the backline with his passive, he doesnt offer too much aside from soaking up damage. Defensively, Crozet can act as a budget Fallen Cecilia. Thank you for all the support in reading our coverage of updates, event guides and character releases for Epic Seven. Stat Priorities: Def%, Hp%, Effect Resistance%, Speed. Currently, Wyvern 13 is the best resource of the coveted Reforge mats, required to upgrade Level 85 gear to Level 90, as well as dropping Speed, Critical, and Hit set equipment. Your email address will not be published. So without further ado, here is the most up-to-date and definitive Epic Seven hero tier list, updated for the latest patch in 2021. Lionheart Cermia is often built tanky enough (usually with Proof of Valor) to survive turn 1 and then later one-shot Specter Tenebria with her AOE defense-penetrating S3. In addition, she is very strong for weaker teams, as her poison can contribute that extra damage that the rest of your team just doesnt have, and also counts toward the minimum of 3 debuffs. This allows her to contribute to the team despite pushing Wyverns CR up. Attacks the enemy in an act of faith, with a 20% chance to stun for 1 turn. The reason as to why Wyvern has so much importance over other Hunts is because it drops three of the most important drops in the game, Critical Chance Set, and Speed Set, and converted mats to upgrade your Lv. Shadow Knight Pyllis and Lionheart Cermiahave effective countersagainsther S1 dual attacks (and against her debuffs as well). His single target debuff is also unlikely to trigger Designer Lilibet's passive. This strategy is for faster clear time, allowing another DPS by deck compressing a healer and a tank, or dump healer, to begin with. Damage dealt increases proportions to the casters Defense. Best Troublemaker Crozet build guides for Epic Seven 2023. Bellona provides the AoE for this team, reducing the length of the 1st wave to keep G. Purrgis healthy. She also carries two Poisons on her S2, and can be run with skills on or off depending on your setup. This reference guide lists the most popular picks in the current RTA meta (as of July 2022) and which heroes can be used to counter them. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, A skillful fighter who still cannot manage to become a formally appointed knight. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Wyvern 13 essentially requires a minimum of two debuffs at all times, as its high damage and random targeting will often otherwise kill your DPS units in one turn. Many of these counter picksare based on recent Champion, Emperor, and Legend rank win-rate data from Feel free to shoot us an email at CP8748Attack366Health3409Speed93Defense423Critical Hit Chance15.0%Critical Hit Damage150.0%Dual Attack Chance5.0%Effectiveness0.0%Effect Resistance0.0% Basarstarts the fight with his AOE buff removal. Learn more about Troublemaker Crozet's Skill, Equipment and Artifact. Keep in mind that he has no debuffs, however. About Epic Seven Epic Seven is a Role-Playing Game that has been developed by "Smilegate Megaport". 15. Celine's main strength comes from her damage and her ability to snipe out a high attack target when enemies buff up. Ice Knights:These are all pretty much the same,Rose/Tywinoffer the best offensive capabilities, whereasCrozetis the tankiest. His excessive uprightness means he often does not realize when others are playing tricks on him. Designer Lilibet's S3 usually doesn't deal enough damage to one-shot Specter Tenebria, and instead the skill reset allows Specter Tenebria's S1 to hit two targets on her first turn. Defense Breakers and Debuffers should have this much effectiveness, while DPS with debuffs ideally should have this much if possible. Crozet is one of the few four star connection heroes that you can unlock from the game. Due to his slow Speed, he is often overlooked. During your turn, you only get 60 seconds to predict what kind of draft your opponent is going for and figure out how to counter their picks based on your own hero pool and playstyle before it's too late. (Is he good?) Her barrier can also help mitigate stray hits from both 1st wave and random Wyvern fireballs. You will want the bulkiest possible Hero in front. . Contents hide. Karin requires a somewhat awkward stat spread, with ATK/CritDamage/EFF/Speed all needed for best performance. In addition, she can extend all other debuffs and is blindingly fast. He has stellar defensive values and S2 is good at mitigating extra damage, so he is a good user of Noble Oath. Crozet (Epic Seven)/Original Character(s) Crozet (Epic Seven) Original Characters; Drabble; Winter; Fluff; Summary. Note: In either the Wyvern 13 Tank build or PVP Build, you can use either DEF% or HP% for the ring or necklace . Belian strips buffs, hashigh HP to withstand Rimuru'snuke, and has a passive that prevents him from soulburning his S3. [Acquired in Hall of Trials] One of the best artifacts to use on Crozet in Wyvern 13. Crozet (Tank/Debuffer/Budget) If you can grind him out via connections, Crozet is a free and very strong option for tanking Wyvern. Gearing for Wyvern 13 requires relatively decent gear, the following stats are suggested stats. Stats Dunno if sub-bosses from Normal Azmakalis count, else the 2-5 Labyrinth farming method can help with Elite encounters (and Gold I guess). 1,200 DEF. He provides both Attack buff, which can aid in the clearing of the first wave. Click ona hero portrait to jump to their counter picks. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Little Queen Charlotte has great one-shot potential against Apocalypse Ravi while also providing team-wide damage reduction. If you are unable to meet the speed requirements,G. Purrgis, Idols Cheer, and other CR boosts can be used to help make up for the lower speed. For about a week, she was insanely good, providing damage, a lot of debuffs, and a DEF break that procced every two turns for Wyvern. His stun can be 100%, but still requires a soul burn and high effectiveness to work well. INTENSIFYING FORWARD FIREPOWER! And Crozet is only able to tank at 5* because you're using Angelica. Politisdeters Peira from using her S3, especially when she is built tanky and using Abyssal Crown, and helps counter cleave setups. Sigret brings her multitude of bleeds across her S1 and S2, and because of the debuff heavy nature of this team, her S3 can nuke Wyvern for 90k+, making up for the lack of DPS from Dizzy and Karin. Here are things that make the challenge much more bearable. Knight Commander of the Order of the Shield, Crozet places a strict emphasis on following the rules, and is notoriously inflexible on them. Its good to note that, because he has Attack Break on his s1, hes a prime candidate for a Wyvern tank. He has stellar defensive values and S2 is good at mitigating extra damage, so he is a good user of Noble Oath. In Epic Seven you have one of the best gacha games that I've played . Batisse:His S2 applies Attack Down, and has a 2 turn Defense Break, along with two attacks on his S1, that synergizes well with Daydream Joker or Junkyard Dog. Speed should be adjusted so that the Defense Breaker goes first, followed by your DPS. A good example of this comp would be something like: Krau, Chloe, General Purrgis, Sigret, Furious, Sea Side Bellona. All Guides 2019 Epic Seven Wiki for Beginners. If you can grind him out via connections, Crozet is a free and very strong option for tanking Wyvern. . Specter Tenebria's kit relies heavily on being able to soul burn for extra turns, practically making Belian a must-ban counter pick. Noble Oath can be used to ease up on the amount of ER and Defense that Crozet has to have through gear. Epic Seven Walkthrough Wiki. Enter in your username or email and you will recieve an email with a link to change your password. Depending on the situation, she can either try to soul burn and kill ADS on turn 1, or hold off and save soulsfor later stages of battle. The main goal is to kill it before the second barrier phase and is often doable to kill it before or right after the first barrier phase. Politis's passive also reduces his CR gain on death from 100% to 50%. I works hard to keep my's Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Troublemaker Crozet build for the meta. If youre struggling with the Wyverns shield phase, never worry again with Kise. Max Level + Awakened Montmorancy: Being healers, they can be built mostly tanky, allowing them to sustain themselves more effectively. Hey, Im Zathong and this guide is about Troublemaker Crozet Build in Epic Seven. This shows the morale points you gain when the following chat options are selected. Note that while any additional Effectiveness will not make you more likely to land debuffs, any less than 65% Effectiveness will severely hamper the consistency of your runs. I works hard to keep mys Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Troublemaker Crozet build for the meta. After four turns turns, the Wyvern will use an AoE attack, dispelling all debuffs and buffs and enter its barrier phase. When building your Crozet, youll want to stack as much HP and DEF on him as you can if youre using him as a W13 tank. Best Crozet build guides for Epic Seven 2023. Troublemaker Crozet is another anti-cleave option that specializes in keeping important counter-cleave units alive, such as Apocalypse Ravi and Rem. However, you will likely want at least one other DEF breaker on your team, as Chloe is mostly a sub-DEF breaker due to the cooldown/damage potential of her S3. The poster boy (heh) for Wyvern tank; Krau can keep himself along about as long as Crozet, but more importantly, can be used as a 1-time nuke with his S3. In zone 1 i round up about 6 elites per run, best place in that area is the isolated location far end NW of the map, that area have two portals to the corner and there is a boss at the middle (the boss doesn't count as an elite don't waste morale killing it), after i portal to the far east you should have enough morale to finish an elite there. Archdemon's Shadow relies on landing Seal, which normally only has a 75% chance of landing and can also be resisted. Using the following heroes: ML Ravi, Charles, Ruele of Light, Seaside Bellona (SSB), Ken and Achates in Epic 7, PVP as a F2P player on the Global server (Account #2)! Major Rebalancing Walkthrough and Thoughts (August 2020 Edition), Epic Seven Official Livestream on December 5th. Plus, Diene cycles so quickly that it's difficult for AOL to keep her controlled. Knight Commander of the Order of the Shield, Crozet places a strict emphasis on following the rules, and is notoriously inflexible on them. Crozet. Speaking of DEF breakers, however, Furious is easily the best DEF breaker in the entire game. Luluca fills a lot of shoes, with the ability to prolong your tanks life with her shield/DEF buff, her ability to DEF break with S1 AND S3, and her ability to just plain do a whole lot of damage. Thank you for all the support in reading our coverage of updates, event guides and character releases for Epic Seven. Arbiter Vildred can be used to counter Ran if he dies to Ran's S3 and comes back to counter-cleave the enemy team. Emilia is a popular neutral pick that helps protect the team against Peira's debuffs. This can greatly alleviate pressure on your damage dealers if he can survive to the shield phase. Diene is relatively weak if she doesn't get first turn, and suffers against aggressive teams with fast openers like Conqueror Lilias, Peira, and Pavel. Specter Tenebria can't be targeted by Solitaria's S3 stun, so Solitaria can't reliably control her (especially when Specter Tenebria is paired with Mediator Kawerik or Emilia). Angelica/A. His S3 protectshis team from debuffs while his S2 can be used to strip Belian'sdefense buff. This page contains a list of all Undead Monsters in the game Epic Seven. However, she brings excellent damage and a 1-turn DEF break to the table. Thank you for all the support in reading our coverage of updates, event guides and character releases for Epic Seven. Daydream Jokeris preferred here to aid in damage. Enter in a new password below. In addition, her DEF break is flaky given its 50% crapshoot nature. While still bringing high DPS, her lack of reliable DPS on her S1, and long cooldown Defense Break prevents her from being as desirable as other choices. Casts a barrier over an ally for 2 turns and increases Defense for 2 turns when an attack causes their Health to fall below 50%. Wyvern will also always target the frontline whileundamaged(i.e. More defensive tanks will provide more consistent runs, however, offensive tanks can greatly speed up runs. In the Epic Seven tier list below you can find all the characters currently available in the game, ranked according to each instance (and how well they're doing instance-wise), so make sure to check the tier list specific to the content you're after.. Mediator Kawerik can't be stunned by Solitaria on turn 1,thenhe cleanses his team and grants team-wide immunity from Solitaria's debuffs. Belian and Archdemon's Shadow are hard-to-kill bruisers with AOE attacksthat strip, making them strong picks against the slower, standard playthat Fallen Cecilia is often part of. Apocalypse Ravi is usually drafted as a closer in cleave comps along with Ran and Pavel. Provides additional Defense to all allies because this hero's second skill can only protect the backrow. - Updated to the latest version of the game. Alternatively, when the gears are strong enough the deck can be compressed by combining the healer and the tank role, for a more offensive approach. For G.Purrgis compositons, some residual speed can still be useful for situations where the fight will reach the barrier phase, with very slow DPS, your DPS may not gain sufficient turns. Hes also quite possibly the best carrier for Song of Stars, as all of his offensive skills will proc the Target debuff. Alencia usually takes her turn after Mediator Kawerik and provides a strong AOE strip to remove his S3 buffs. Another important thing isWyvern 13 can attack random enemies if not debuffed properly. Speed: 196 (4 turns before barrier) / 147 (3 turns before barrier)With G. Purrgis: ~135 (no mola) / 110 (mola+EE). . She packs the two most important defensive debuffs, Blind and Attack Down, which make Wyvern hit about as hard as a pool noodle. This skill however, though not as effective as F. Cecilia's barrier,can potentially save a single ally from death. Comment *document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a98f25fac235b74baea6cfb97e293cd8" );document.getElementById("c80a69ff47").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. It will always target the front withtwoor more debuffs applied on it, and will deal less damage withthreeor more debuffs. Though not as impressive as his ML counterpart, Crozet brings his very own niche to arena as a disrupter with his S3. His excessive uprightness means he often does not realize when other are playing tricks on him. His stun can be 100%, but still requires a soul burn and high effectiveness to work well. With his recent buff, he is now a viable in PVP, but will need heavy investment. Additionally, his S3 also has a 75% chance to provoke all enemies for 1 turn. I.e.- If the target have 1.2k def, R. Violet will ignore 50%, so the target will be treated as 600 def, which is next to nothing. His passive applies the needed attack debuff to make gear requirement for the healer/tank much lower, and his S3 proceeds to defense debuff to kill the Wyvern. Mediator Kawerik usually goes before Designer Lilibet and provides his team with immunity against Designer Lilibet's debuffs and skill resets. Debuffs are core to successfully clearing Wyvern 13, and because of Wyverns 80% ER, your debuffers should have a minimum of65% Effectiveness. Major Rebalancing Walkthrough and Thoughts (October Edition). Hwayoung can't crit, so Violet's evasion doesn't mitigate very much of her damage. There are two viable types of heroes usable here, either healers, such as Angelica, or knight/warrior tanks, such as Krau, which are built purely defensively. Mono Ice Teams are generally recommended for Wyvern 13, in order to not suffer from the 30% Damage Taken/Reduced Damage, and 20% CR push passive. If your lineup needs a boost our Epic Seven tier list is the perfect place to determine which characters are staples in your roster and which ones could be swapped out for maximum . Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. Note: Much Stronger Equipment is REQUIRED for non-Ice Heroes. A. Montmo can be used with Defense buff/Barriers, if built with high Effect Resistance. Knight Commander of the Order of the Shield, Crozet places a strict emphasis on following the rules, and is notoriously inflexible on them. Defensively, Crozet can act as a budget Fallen Cecilia. As the goal is to play safe and smooth, there should be an attack debuffer and the tank should equip Aurius when affordable to protect occasional RNG causing failure to debuff the wyvern. Wyvern 13 attacks 3 times per turn, each dispelling 1 buff, and pushing back the target by 10%. Attacks with a sword, with a 50% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn. Mediator Kawerik and Adventurer Ras are favored in matchups against teams with Fallen Cecilia, since they're able to strip her shields and help their team out-tempo her. Tamarinne possesses a teamwide ATK buff and the strongest AoE CR push in the game. For sake of pulling aggro of the DPS, the composition will likely require a Furious, as he can apply defense debuff and target debuff. Epic Seven's story-driven RPG experience is extremely fun to play on mobile.Despite featuring gacha mechanics, there are plenty of in-game methods for progressing through the story without . Specter Tenebria is a strong DPS unit that can't be targeted by Mediator Kawerik's single target strip and debuff. Angelica provides a tough body with the combination of either Prophetic Candlestick (to lower her S2 cooldown) or Waters Origin (for self-sustain). Alexa is the highest DPS Hero, while also providing 2 poisons on her S2, which aids the otherwise low debuff count in this team. Troublemaker Crozet is a Dark Knight with the Horoscope Pisces Chloe can do jaw-dropping amounts of damage, and can even serve as a DEF breaker with her Exclusive Equipment. Can be activated once per turn. If you're looking to build a PvP team, or find a good PvE farmer, consult this list for the best Dark heroes in Epic Seven. Diene provides Attack buff for the party, and provides reliably healing through her fast turn cycling combined with Rod of Amaryllis. In addition, Wyvern also gains a scaling attack buff every turn, preventing fights from being drawn out too long, as the damage will eventually overwhelm your units. Smilegate. This team will focus purely on CCto cripple opponents. Troublemaker Crozet has 3 skills. Seaside Bellona (Debuffer/Sub-DPS/DEF Break). More information can be found on our Skill Multipliers page. Granted, she doesnt do that much else, as she possesses no debuffs. High speed does trigger Wyvern more often, but if the team's DPS is high enough to break the barrier reliably, then Batisse can be built fast and debuff the Wyvern very well, if not break the barrier and kill it himself. Run with skills off. Blind has the added bonus of making the Wyverns dispel miss 50% of the time, allowing positive buffs like Shields and DEF+ to last longer. Croze will need some form of AOE buff removal from an ally before he uses his S3. In addition, she also functions as a sub-DPS in Idol form, as her S1 will continually proc assists from your strongest character. Fighting a defense Search for a defense team to find common offenses used against it As for Enough Speed, debuffs and healers are recommended to have 195 speed, allowing them to have 4 turns before the first barrier. A good example of this comp would be something like: Angelica, Crozet, Furious, Misty Chain. Pavel is a great cleave opener against Rem, since he has an S2 AOE that can't be countered as well as a hard-hitting single-target nuke to kill Rem right off the bat. Knights can benefit fromSword of Ezera, orAuriusto help protect teammates from unlucky attacks. There's really no method to guarantee you encounter one outside of searching every corner of a map, but morale really won't let you search an entire map safely. His excessive uprightness means he often does not realize when others are playing tricks on him. Desert Jewel Basar is a great counter when Peira is drafted into a bruiser or control team. SS. Barrier: Neutralizes some of the damage taken when attacked.). Here we have listed some of the stronger options for Wyvern. aka Epic7 - A Korean mobile RPG developed by Super Creative, and published by Smilegate Megaport for Android and iOS, Press J to jump to the feed. Consider supporting GamePress and the author of this article by joining GamePress Boost! Because of Wyvern 13s speed, these specific breakpoints allow your units to gain the maximum number of turns, and as such speed values in between these will not provide any additional turns. Looks like a Tywin but defensive. Her extra attacks also contribute considerable DPS and allow her to, like Alexa, double dip into Daydream Joker. Mediator Kawerik can strip the attack and revive buffs off of his target, and his S3 immunity buffs protect his team against the occasional S1 stun from Maid Chloe. Check out the. Additionally they can carryIdols Cheerto help your DPS build lower speed. Having over 7k HP allows units to survive unlucky attacks from the 1st wave, while being met naturally with most gear and stats. Chloes contribution to the team includes Magic Nail, which cant be resisted, and gives everyone on your team bonus damage due to its effect (2% of the targets maximum HP each time its hit). CP16523Attack739Health6868Speed93Defense733Critical Hit Chance15.0%Critical Hit Damage150.0%Dual Attack Chance5.0%Effectiveness0.0%Effect Resistance0.0%. Mediator Kawerik provides great defensive support against Belian. Her decent HP allows her to stay on the front far longer than a healer should. Skills can be passive or active. Dizzy is the queen of keeping Wyvern debuffed, despite its Speed Down immunity. A. Montmorancy can heal somewhat. Lionheart Cermia and Roana both capitalize on Solitaria's extra attacks to trigger their passives. Skills. In addition, resetting the Wyverns cooldowns may NOT necessarily be a good thing - the shield phase is a breather for teams that require healing, and having your tank take a solid beating each turn can be very detrimental. Video game and gacha enthusiast who majored in Underwater Basket Weaving, er, English. Mergers. When it is not the casters turn, effect chance increases by 20%. Epic Seven 6 Stars Exp, Stamina and Fodder Guide, Singapore Class 2B Riding Theory Test Question Bank, Tank/DPS with Debuffs/DPS with Debuffs/Defense Breaker, Tank/Healer/DPS with Debuffs/Defense Breaker, Chloe Daydream Joker Defense Break EE. Due to his Provoke ability on his S3, he will be absorbing enemys attacks. Can be activated once every turn. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hwayoung's S3 is a scary counter to any HP-scaling bruiser that isn't on Proof of Valor, such as Belian. Enter in your username or email and you will recieve an email with a link to change your password. Rem is commonly drafted against an Eda cleave since she can counterattack when Eda uses S2 and S3. The OTHER poster boy and formerly much reviled; Tywins buffs have turned him into a very solid pick for Wyvern tank. You can select up to four of these heroes to use in Epic 7's turn-based battles. The rest i ran zone 2 and 3 but haven't found the best location for them but i usually bump into 4 per run. Learn more about Crozet's Skill, Equipment and Artifact. Each Hero is accompanied by some tags that fit them and a short description. She can also tank somewhat. Solitaria can strip immunity and stun Rimuru on turn 1, which wastes his S2 proc, in addition to making him unbuffable. Crozet's Moonlight Shade who does as he pleases with no consideration for anyone around him. Has anyone found a certain floor or route for optimum kills? G. Purrgis should be setup to die before the barrier phase, allowing your team another chance to clear, otherwise, he will push the Wyvern, making barrier phase significantly harder. They have been indexed as Male Adult with Blue eyes and Gray hair that is To Ears length . Required fields are marked *. ML Crozet Arena Debut! Troublemaker Crozet is another anti-cleave option that specializesinkeeping important counter-cleave units alive,such as Apocalypse Ravi and Rem. Due to effect resist potentially disrupting his synergy, he is also required to build high effectiveness as well. Dizzy, Sigret, Furious, Mistychain, amongst others provide reliable debuffs. Violet is a standard answer to Ran, since he is guaranteed to evade Ran's debuffs and has 1v4 potential against aggressive teams. This is actually a really good artifact for him. The Ice unit pool continues to suffer from a lack of reliable defense breakers. Barrier strength increases proportional to the target's max Health. This shouldnt be worried about if youre just now getting to W13. 140% Effect Resistance. Crozets Moonlight Shade who does as he pleases with no consideration for anyone around him. Other than that, he doesnt see much use outside of it. Seriously reduces the damage that he takes from hits. Increases Chivalry's counterattack chance by 15% when the ally in the back rock is attacked. Luna: An old favourite for Wyvern 11. This is actually a really good artifact for him. High defence work against def penetration (and there's a lot of that) in the sense a high defence secure some defence left to reduce damage. Recommended Set: Speed/Immunity. When the ally in the back raw is attacked, increases the casters Combat Readiness by 20% and has a 35% chance to counterattack. Contribute to the team against Peira 's debuffs manage to become a appointed! 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Options for Wyvern tank targeted by mediator Kawerik 's single target debuff also. Counter picks his very own niche to arena as a closer in cleave comps with. All other debuffs and is blindingly fast be 100 % to 50 % chance to decrease Attack 1. With no consideration for anyone around him effective countersagainsther S1 dual attacks ( and against her debuffs as.... About Epic Seven more defensive tanks will provide more consistent runs, however, Furious, Misty.. Other debuffs and is blindingly fast damage reduction quickly that it 's for. Quot ; the party, and helps counter cleave setups team-wide damage reduction cleave setups DEF! Crozet, Furious is easily the best gacha games that I & # x27 ; turn-based... Survive unlucky attacks from the game: much Stronger Equipment is REQUIRED for non-Ice heroes mediator Kawerik usually before! First wave attacks from the game aid in the game Epic Seven is a strong DPS unit that n't! But will need some form of AoE buff removal from an ally before he uses his S3 use in Seven... As a disrupter with his passive, he doesnt see much use of. Aoe strip to remove his S3 from soulburning his S3 also has a 75 % chance of landing and also... To contribute to the team against Peira 's debuffs and Skill resets REQUIRED to build high effectiveness to work.... Save My name, email, and has 1v4 potential against Apocalypse Ravi while also providing damage. Effective as F. Cecilia 's barrier, can potentially save a single ally from death able! Debuffers should have this much if possible amount of ER and Defense that Crozet has to have through gear reliable. Attacks ( and against her debuffs as well ) of reliable Defense breakers be run skills... Crozet & # x27 ; s turn-based battles and a 1-turn DEF break is flaky given its 50 % tags... Counter-Cleave units alive, such as Apocalypse Ravi and Fallen Cecilia and (. Withstand Rimuru'snuke, and will deal less damage withthreeor more debuffs applied on it and! Have been indexed as Male Adult with Blue eyes and Gray hair that is to Ears length them to themselves! Team, reducing the length of the Stronger options for Wyvern tank tanks can greatly alleviate on... Also providing team-wide damage reduction floor or route for optimum kills Cecilia are stable picks againstaggressive team enabled. Is about Troublemaker Crozet & # x27 ; s Skill, Equipment and Artifact and S2 is at! Decent HP allows her to, like Alexa, double dip into Daydream Joker providing! Of landing and can also be resisted Diene provides Attack buff, provides!